Mission Possible (1):
Redemption's Plan Revealed!
WHBC, 8-4-24, Sunday Morning Service
Pastor Gary Caudill

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Gary Caudill explores the deep theological truths of John chapter 1, emphasizing the pre-existence of Jesus Christ as the Word who became flesh. Pastor Caudill highlights how Jesus, knowing humanity's inevitable fall into sin, willingly came to Earth to offer salvation through His sacrifice. He explains that redemption is available to all, but it requires faith, obedience, and acceptance of Jesus as the only path to eternal life. The message focuses on God's relentless love and how His grace can overcome any sin, no matter how far we’ve strayed.

The sermon challenges the church to unite under the mission of spreading the Gospel, reminding believers that this task isn't just for the past disciples but for all followers of Christ today. Pastor Caudill encourages the congregation to stop relying on limited human capabilities and instead trust in God's infinite resources to reach the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. The message concludes with an invitation to fully embrace the mission possible: sharing the love of Christ with a world still in need.

Full Transcript

John chapter 1 presents a profound theological foundation for the entire Gospel, describing Jesus as the Word, or Logos, who became flesh. It opens with a powerful prologue declaring the pre-existence of the Word, His role in creation, and His identity as both life and light. John the Baptist’s testimony points to Jesus as the Lamb of God, and His disciples began to follow Him. As they did, Jesus revealed Himself through personal encounters, extending an invitation to "come and see." Amen. And by the way, that invitation is still open for all today.

This chapter then lays the groundwork for understanding Jesus' divine nature and His mission to bring grace and truth to the world. With the Lord's help, I’m going to spend the next several weeks going through the Gospels of the Lord Jesus and teaching on Mission Possible. Today, our emphasis is on Redemption's Plan Revealed.

Think of it for just a minute. God, having created mankind, and knowing that mankind would fall into sin, still moved forward with His plan. The Bible says that Jesus was as a lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world. So, in His foreknowledge, knowing we would fall, God created us anyway and already had a plan of redemption in place for us.

I cannot explain why the Lord chose to go through with that plan, but I can tell you this: I’m sure glad He did. Amen. But let me say this: if anybody else had been sought after besides the lovely Lamb of God to pay the debt of sin, it would have been mission impossible. The Bible teaches us in the book of Romans that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. There is none righteous, no, not one. The only One righteous, the only One suitable, the only One capable, and the only One willing and able to do the job was Jesus Christ.

So my assignment is to preach to you on Mission Possible this morning: Redemption’s Plan Revealed. Somebody say amen.

Now, look at your Bible. John chapter 1, verse number 14. Would you stand in reverence to the reading of God's Word? I do have several verses in this chapter we're going to look at, but for the sake of time, I'll open with this one. You can remain seated for the duration of today's message.

John 1:14 says, "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

Thank you, and you can be seated in the presence of the Lord.

Father, for the next few minutes, I need Your help to preach this. Lord, help me preach in such a way that all men, women, boys, and girls would have a revelation of Jesus Christ and be able to receive the free pardon of sin. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

People often try to reach the heights of God through their own means. But what's so different about Christianity is that He reached further down than we could ever reach up. Amen? He came to where we were. Just as water travels to the lowest points of elevation, He found us not only at the bottom but some of us beneath the bottom. His water of life came and gave us a fresh drink.

I’m glad to announce to you today that the Word was made flesh. One verse calls Him Emmanuel, meaning "God with us." Nobody else would have been able to do this, but Jesus was able. He looked at this assignment and accepted it. Can I get another amen?

Now, the objective of the series is this: not only does God want to redeem mankind, but He wants to reign with us. Isn’t it something that God would love us so much that He wants fellowship with us? Not just fellowship, but when Jesus finally completes His mission, He will make us heirs and joint heirs with Him of all things pertaining to the kingdom of God and the promises of God. Through His righteousness, we’ll be able to reign with Him forevermore.

Isn’t that wonderful news this morning? Think about it—think about where God brought you from. Think about how low you were before Jesus saved you. Think about how He took a nobody and made him somebody by the grace of God. Amen? And now, you are heirs and joint heirs with Christ Jesus.

It’s good to know that we have a Messiah this morning. Amen? It’s good to know we have a Messiah.

Quickly, I want to try to go through this as best I can. Amy, if you could go to slide number four real quick. This is the overview of today's message. We’re going to touch on the Messiah (Jesus), the mess (which is us), and the mission that He must undergo to fix you and me. If you're ready for it, say, "I'm ready."

All right, here we go. The Messiah is going to be broken down into three categories. First, we’ll look at the Creator. This is slide number five. We’re going to look at the Creator, the creation, and the created.

Slide number six—let’s look at our Creator. This speaks of His person. In John chapter 1, verses 1 through 3, read your Bible with me. The Bible says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him."

This, of course, speaks of His person. You need to understand who Jesus was, is, and forevermore shall be. Jesus wasn’t just the Son of God. Jesus is God the Son. Jesus wasn’t just another figurehead born sometime around year zero.

Come on, somebody. You need to know who Jesus is. He’s more than just a figurehead. He’s more than just a political leader. He’s more than just a religious zealot. He is, in fact, God the Son.

He is your Creator. The Bible says there isn’t anything that was made without Jesus Christ. So, you were created by Jesus. He is the one who stands to be the reason that you exist today, whether you know Him or not. You’re the reason—He’s the reason, rather—that you exist. He’s the Creator.

Next, I want to look at the creation. If the Creator speaks of His person, then the creation speaks of His power. The Bible says, “Without Him was not anything made that was made.” That was the last portion of verse 3 in our text. Just think of the magnificent power of your Messiah.

When Jesus taught us to pray, He taught us first to acknowledge our Father: Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Jesus knew the importance of knowing who you are asking from before you ask for anything. Why is that important? Because you can’t just ask anybody for stuff—you don’t go to people who can’t help you. Are you with me? Say amen.

Now, some of these other religions pray to gods they’ve created with their own hands. Those gods can’t help them. They are blind, deaf, they can’t see, they can’t hear, they can’t talk, they can’t communicate. Amen? And listen, there are people today who have religion, but they don’t have a relationship with their Creator. Before you go anywhere else, you need to understand who you need to be praying to. You pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, and Jesus is your access to the Father.

This is important because we’re not just talking to anybody—we’re talking to the One who has all power. We’re talking to the One who spoke the worlds and the universe into existence. Amen? If God can do all of that, what problem do you have that’s too big for Him? Amen?

Somebody came in here burdened with the cares of life, burdened with the troubles that you’re facing from week to week, and you pray weak, little milquetoast prayers as if God may or may not be able to help you. But some of you need to get your perspective back up. The Bible says, Oh, magnify the Lord, Amen. That doesn’t mean you can make God any bigger than He already is, but you sure can increase your perspective of Him.

Some of you are looking at Him too narrowly. Your lenses are all messed up. You need a huge view of God Almighty. You need to look at Him through the Word of God and stop looking at Him through the perspective of man-made religion. Let the Holy Spirit teach you who Jesus is, and all of a sudden, your prayer life will pick up. All of a sudden, you’ll understand that because He is your power source, He’s the One you can talk to. Amen?

Now, let’s see where we are—I’ve lost my place. I’m not too good at these outlines. Amen? Hallelujah.

So, we know His power through His creation. Every morning, every noon, and every evening, I get to talk to the One who made it all, and so can you. Amen? He cares. And you need to understand His power this morning.

But now, let’s look closely at the created. We’ve looked at the Creator, we’ve looked at all of creation, but I want to look at His crowning creation. Do you believe this morning that, of all the things that God created, the one thing He created above all else to get the maximum glory out of is you and me? Mankind.

Wow. All the animals in the world—they don’t have a soul and a spirit like you and I do. They don’t understand what redemption is or what the privileges are of entering into a relationship with God through having been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and understanding the power behind that.

We, the created, are His passion. Amen? Think about that for a minute. Of all the things that God could busy Himself with, of all the things God could focus on, of all the things God could do with His awesomeness, what did He choose to do? He chose to pour His redemption into you and me because you are His passion.

He who knew no sin became sin for you and me. Amen? And I’m glad that He did that, because now He is revealing to us as the Messiah what His capabilities are—what He’s able to do for you and me.

I just want to stop right here. John 1:9 says, “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” That’s what your Bible says. He lights every man. The Bible says in another text that He has given to every man the measure of faith. There is not a single man, woman, boy, or girl that is beyond His grace.

I need you to know that no matter how far you’ve gone, no matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you’ve been, there’s grace that far outweighs the sin in your life. The Bible says that where sin did abound, grace did much more abound. Isn’t that wonderful news this morning? I’m talking about Mission Possible.

Some of you think it was impossible for God to save you. Some of you might be sitting there or listening by way of radio or over the internet right now, thinking, "There's no way God will save me. I understand there are other people God will save, but it's impossible for God to save me."

That's where you're wrong, my friend. If it were impossible—amen—He wouldn’t have done it. But He did it because He’s able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ask or think. It is possible because there are no limits to the power of His grace, His mercy, and His shed blood. Can I get an amen, church?

So we see the Messiah, but let’s look secondly at the mess real quick—the mess that we have gotten ourselves into. As we discuss this, we’ll talk about the curse, the cause, and the cure.

Let’s look first at the curse. In John chapter 1, verse 5, the Bible says, And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. The Bible is describing for us the end result of the curse of sin, and that is, we live in total darkness without Jesus.

Amen. When Adam and Eve fell into sin, instead of running to the presence of God for help, healing, and forgiveness, they ran and hid from His presence. They didn’t run to the light—they ran from the light. In another text, the Bible says that men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. People don’t like the light because it exposes them for who they really are. They’d rather hide in the shadows. They’d rather just be left alone. Amen?

They don’t want the preacher preaching on their sin. Can I get an amen this morning? They don’t want the Word of God exposing them. They don’t want the Holy Spirit of God cutting into their heart like a surgical knife to remove and extract all the forbidden things hidden in their heart with their wickedness.

As a result, we have a sin-cursed world. The curse speaks of our passion. What we love is “me, myself, and I.” The total depravity of man is such that there is nothing beyond sinful man's capability when it comes to doing evil against God or against each other. Human history proves that.

Some people may think they’re better than others because they’re not as vile a sinner. But I’ve got news for you: If your sins—100% of them—are not washed beneath the blood of Jesus, it’s not about how many sins you have. It’s the fact that you are a sinner in need of salvation, and no sin can enter into His presence. So, whether you’re a Jeffrey Dahmer or just somebody who spent their whole life in Sunday School and was morally pure but corrupt in your heart, either way, you’re going to go to hell without Jesus.

The truth is, because of our cursed state, and because men love darkness rather than light, we live for our passions, not His. Oh, that God would help us.

Now, let’s talk about the mess we’re in. Why is this the case? Well, it’s because of who we are. It’s because of who our daddy is—Adam. Amen? Adam messed up and plunged the whole human race into sin. But each one of us is accountable for himself before the Lord, equally. It’s because of our person, not Him, but us. It’s not God’s fault—it’s our fault.

In our text, verses 10 and 11 say, He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. You know why we’re in such a mess? Because we will not receive His light.

Can we preach on that for a minute? If you want to live in your mess and stay in your mess, just live in the dark, and you’ll get to keep your mess. Amen?

The cause of the mess is our own person—our total depravity, our lustful thoughts, our hearts without Christ. We are the problem, not God. People want to blame God for the mess this world is in. It ain’t God’s fault. He started us off with the light of His Word. Can I get an amen? And it is we who have rejected the Word of God and created a myth. Then, we want to blame everyone but ourselves.

Now, we live in a generation where it’s everybody else’s fault but our own. Lawyers are becoming millionaires, some of them billionaires, suing people for things they’re blaming others for, when in reality, much of that mess was their own doing. But they’re looking for somebody to cheat, somebody to hurt, somebody to step on, just to justify what they did and avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.

It is only when we take responsibility for our sin before a holy God that we can get forgiveness for our sin. As long as you’re blaming everyone else for your condition, you’re not going to get any help from the light.

We must come to a realization that it's not my brother, it’s not my sister, but it’s me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer. We are the cause. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. How many times must the Lord come to you, and you reject His Word?

You reject His message. You reject His messenger. How many times will you continue to blame everybody but the man or woman in the mirror? We are the cause of the mess that we are in. It is not Him. Oh, He’s the perfect One. He’s the lovely One. He’s the altogether lovely One.

How dare we be so arrogant and pious and religious in our state of mind that we would assume that Jesus or the church could be blamed for the mess we’ve created through our own sin?

Let’s look at the cure real quickly. John chapter 1, verses 12 and 13 say:
But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Amen. I'm glad to tell you there is still power in the blood of Jesus. Amen. I’m glad to tell you that He gave power to those who do receive Him. This is the cure. Amen.

The cure to our mess is receiving His message with faith and obedience. It’s a simple submission. That’s right, baby—it’s a childlike faith. Amen. It is a childlike faith that says, "Lord, yes, You’re right, I’m wrong." When you receive His message and His forgiveness, and you have a desire to repent and allow Him to put power in you to do so, He becomes your cure.

This is the only cure. This is the only fix. This is a possible mission, but it’s only possible when we take the medicine prescribed by the Messiah. This is our power to overcome. This is our power to do better. We can’t do it on our own. We can’t do it our way. We can’t insist upon doing things our way. We must let Jesus be our cure. Amen, church?

We’ve seen the Messiah, and we’ve seen the mess that we’re in. But now, let’s close with the third part: the mission. In the mission, we’re going to discuss the Christ, His cross, and His crown. Amen?

Let’s look at Christ. Verse 14 says:
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

This is talking about Christ and, more specifically, the presence of Christ in your life. It’s not enough that Christ exists; He must be approachable, accessible, amen, and He must be attainable. He made Himself present in my life, active in my life, and He is willing to come to me if I will come to Him. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.

I’m talking about the Christ this morning and what He wants to do. This is His mission: to make Himself available. Some people say, “Well, I don’t believe God would ever send anybody to hell.” You’re exactly right—God will not send you, but you can sure choose to go there on your own.

By the way, it’s not a matter of if. The Bible says those who do not believe are already condemned. You’re already on your way to hell. You’re on a train headed to hell without Jesus, automatically. Only Jesus Christ can change that, and what He’s doing is inviting you to escape hell by accepting Him. He’s inviting you to allow Him to walk you out of the mess you’ve gotten yourself into through faith and obedience to His Word.

He’s given you the choice like a perfect gentleman. Amen. God, by the way, does not lose His sovereignty by giving you a choice. He sovereignly chose to give man free will, and it’s within the sovereignty of God to allow you to choose whether or not to accept Him. Amen. And He can work all things together for good.

That’s as far as I’m going to go down that path—it’s a deep doctrinal path, isn’t it? But understand this: He gave you a choice, and where you end up is where you choose to end up. Amen?

If you want more of God, you can have more of God. If you want to be walked out of your mess, you can be walked out of your mess. The Spirit of God will lead and guide you into all truth. That means He will lead and guide you away from all error. He will get you there if you yield to Him. But you cannot continue to reject the Word of God or Jesus Christ—who is the Word made flesh—and expect to get the results that only faith and obedience can produce. Amen?

I’m talking about the Christ. If this mission is going to work, it’s only going to work when you work with Jesus, not against Him. Understand this: He wants to be an ever-present help in your life.

Secondly, let’s look at the cross. Amen? Verse 17 says:
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Amen. This shows us His pain. He came, but the only way He could fix you was to become you and trade places with you. Amen. I should have been on that cross. You should have been on that cross. We should have received our just rewards for our sins. But Jesus Christ said, “I’ll take his place.”

Now, here’s the thing: it’s not automatic. Just because Jesus died on the cross doesn’t mean you automatically get a ticket to heaven. You still have to receive it. Amen?

“Well, we are all children of God, right?” That’s what I was preaching about earlier. No, we’re not. We aren’t either. Jesus looked at that religious bunch and said, “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.”

As long as you're living in the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and pride, and there’s no evidence of any fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, faith, temperance, all these things—then there’s a problem. The Bible says, Against such there is no law. As long as you’re manifesting the works of the flesh instead of the works of the Spirit, it’s likely that you don’t even know Jesus. High possibility.

You can be a carnal Christian. You can be off for a while, sure enough. I’m not preaching sinless perfection here. But let me tell you something: If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. You’ll at least produce some fruit—He says some will produce 30%, some 60%, some 100-fold, right? I think every Christian would produce at least 30% fruit in their life if nothing else.

But for you to say that you’re a child of God and produce zero fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life, ever—you bought religion, but you didn’t accept Jesus. Because the Holy Spirit will work in your heart. You’ll start loving people like Jesus loves them. You’ll start having compassion, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. You’ll start having tenderness. Amen?

You’ll start having love, and you’ll start loving your brothers and sisters. Can I get an amen this morning?

I’m talking about Christ being the cure, but He had to go to the cross. He did that so He could take our punishment, but we must accept it by grace and through faith. There needs to be an admittance that it was our guilt that put Him there. Amen?

It was your hands that drove the nails into His hands and feet. Amen. It was you and I who put Him there. When we realize what a Savior He is, that He would have done that just for the chance that we might receive Him—and knowing that broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many will go that way, and knowing that a good majority of mankind would reject His message—He did it anyway because He loved you enough to take the risk.

Still, the choice is yours. Amen?

The cross points to the agony and pain He endured for you and me. I challenge you to go back to a few weeks ago when I preached on the cure of the cross. If you want a more in-depth study on that, I challenge you to go back and listen to that message. We went through all the different sufferings of Christ and what they represented for our deliverance. But you must come to the foot of the cross in full faith and repentance. Amen.

But I’m glad it doesn’t just end at the cross, aren’t you? Amen.

There is a crown, which represents His preeminence. In verse 18 of our text, it says:
No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.

Think about that. Do you remember what Jesus said in John chapter 14, verse 9? Well, I’m going too fast. Let me read this statement: Jesus' crowning glory was, and still is, making His Father known.


You want to know why Jesus did it for you and me? Because His Father wanted Him to. His Father wanted Him to, so He said, I come to do the will of my Father. Jesus didn’t say, do, or be anything that His Father did not explicitly express as His will for Him. Jesus shows us the heart of the Father.

Some of you, some of you have always looked at God as some angry, sadistic figurehead up in the clouds, ready to bash you over the head with an ugly stick every time you do wrong. Now, I will say this—it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. And God can discipline, and He will. He is the Judge. But you know what His heart is? His heart is to crown His Son with the glory of revealing Him to us.

You know why Jesus was given a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every tongue should confess? It’s because Jesus did such a perfect job of revealing the heart of the Father that the Father said, “Alright, you get the goods.” Wow.

John 14:9 says, He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father. Isn’t that something? His crown jewel was that He revealed the heart of His Father to us, and He and the Father are one. Amen?

So, what does this mean for us? Let’s look at some verses for application this morning as we bring this to a close.

First of all, let’s look at John chapter 17, verse 4:
I have glorified Thee on the earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.

This is Jesus. This is technically the real Lord’s Prayer. Amen? This is the prayer that the Lord prayed to His Father, as prophesied in the book of Psalms. Amen. God the Son praying to God the Father. The thing we call the Lord’s Prayer is actually the model prayer, just FYI. But this is the Lord’s Prayer, and He’s talking to the Father, saying: I have glorified Thee on the earth. I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.

Did my mic just go out? Testing, one, two. Can you hear me? Alright. I’ll turn this one off and switch to the other.

I have glorified Thee on the earth. I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do. How many of you are glad to know that Jesus finished the job? Amen?

Look at verse 18. It goes on to say:
As Thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

Talking about His disciples, and talking about you and me. Do you know what that means? That means that, as heirs and joint-heirs with Christ, it is also our responsibility to glorify the Father with our lives. Just as Jesus was sent into the world to glorify the Father, so you and I are sent into the world to glorify the Father.

What does this look like? This means that we are part of this Mission Possible plan.

Wow. As you remember, Jesus' mission was to make Himself available for all mankind for all of time. And last I checked, time hasn't run out yet. There are still people needing to hear the gospel.

How are you and I doing with what He has called us to do? See, the church has to quit thinking in terms of our limited scope of capability and start thinking about an infinite, wise God who knows how to create resources out of thin air for those who just believe. Believe to do what God said do, go where God said go, say what God said say, and let God foot the bill. Can I get an amen this morning?

Listen, it’s not impossible to reach the ends of the earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s what Jesus lived for. That’s what Jesus died for. That’s what Jesus rose for. And now it’s my turn to take the baton and go to the ends of the earth with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

It’s not impossible. It’s very possible because of who it is that we are serving. Amen. And now we’re being sent. Amen. Wow. Amen.

Just in case you were thinking this was only for His disciples 2,000 years ago—nope. This is for you and me today to reach the world. Here’s what He said, "That they may all be one." How many? All. Right, yes. And what does He want us to be? One.

As Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us. How can we be one when we have more than one set of rules, more than one agenda, more than one boss, and more than one opinion? The church needs to realize there is one head of the church, and His name is Jesus. That the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me.

How is the world going to believe that Jesus has been sent if the church can’t even agree that we need to go? If we’re not one, they’ll never know because we can’t even reach them. While we’re busy bickering and fighting over this, that, and the other, the world is still rotting and going to hell. It is time we become one and get focused on the mission, which is very possible.

It’s time we sow seeds everywhere until the last person hears the good news of Jesus Christ.

Verse 22 says, And the glory which Thou gavest Me I have given them. What glory? Remember, we defined it earlier. The glory that is related to giving the Father glory. Amen. That they may be one, even as We are one: I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be made perfect in one.

Now, I’ve met many a sinner who thought and knew that they were unworthy. But when you break it down for them and help them understand just how much God loves them, there’s hardly a heart that won’t melt in His presence when they really get it.

I remember when I thought I was unlovable, until the Holy Spirit convinced me on one glorious Sunday morning. Amen. September the 9th, 1990. Y'all finish it for me. 1990, right? I was testing your knowledge. It doesn’t matter when I got saved, but it does matter if you got saved or not. When was your day?

I remember He said, “I love you.” I knew God loved the world, but Brother Lescar, I wasn’t sure that He loved me. But the Holy Spirit made it real to me. I can’t even wrap my head around that. I don’t even understand it. I’m talking about a heart that offers unlimited love, but it’s offered through the shed blood of Jesus. You don’t just get it automatically—you have to accept Jesus to benefit from it. Amen?

You have to accept Jesus by grace and through faith. Hallelujah.

One more verse: Ephesians 1:17. This is where the rubber meets the road:
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

See what He wants to do? He wants to give us wisdom and revelation of who He is, knowledge of who He is, and knowledge of His ways. Why? So that we could be thoroughly furnished in all good works, doing the works of God, reaching the world with the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The minute the church loses focus on Mission Possible, we’ve lost our compass. We have forsaken and abandoned our reason for existence as a church. But when we get busy studying the heartbeat of the Father, you can’t help but love your neighbors. You can’t help but love your brothers and sisters. You can’t help but want to go on mission trips. You can’t help but want to support missions. You can’t help but want to do more to reach more with the gospel. You can’t help but want to give more—amen—sacrifice more, spend more time.

You can’t help but want to pray more. You can’t help but want to read your Bible more and get to know God even more. What a glorious time it is when you spend time in the vineyard of the Lord, at His command.

This is the mission that we’re on. No other agenda but the Jesus agenda—to reach the world. And I tell you today, because of who He is, it is possible. Amen, church.

The question is: Will you join the mission?

Stand to your feet. Every head bowed, every eye closed.